Into the light

A sparkly day and I couldn't resist a quick wander at Pipe Hill Heathland on my way home.  Ladybird, ladybird - I loved the way you were heading for the light and the cobwebs.

I'd been with my brother to visit my mother's cousin, Auntie Betty. She's in her mid nineties and in a home in the Manchester area - a journey of some four hours plus of heavy traffic. She was brighter and more alert than we had seen her for several years. She clutched our hands (that's usual) but was asking questions and forming whole sentences. She clearly knew who we were and she responded clearly and positively when I showed her the lemon and poppy seed cake I'd taken for her.  She will have a slice after her lunch.

An amazing contrast from the sleepy and passive lady we saw last time. Great news - yes - but she was expressing such frustration. ???

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