
By AlexDarke

Leap of Faith

So so proud of the kids today...! Last day at centre parcs a day filled with emotion and activities. An early start led us to Evie's Quad biking, which she thoroughly enjoyed. Then on to Gracie who opted for rollerskating and did really well, with Suzanne's kindly guidance. A quick bite to eat and a pint in the Sports Bar and then Suz took Evie and Gracie for a couple of hours swimming whilst me, Marley and Ferguson did the High Ropes Challenge. I booked the wrong activity.... Marley wanted to do the Tree Top Challenge. But instead we scaled lofty hights, balanced across tall beams and jumped the stomach churning leap of faith..! All absolutely AMAZING and I was so proud (and a little shocked) that Marley and Ferguson didn't bottled any of the challenged that grown men are even too scared to do (like in the group alongside us). 

Saying goodbye was, as predicated, horrendous. Tears galore. I hope the next 5 weeks flies by for M&E as much as they said it did last time. 

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