A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

We Saw Dolphins!

By 8:30 this morning we were in Gibraltar. Jacqui was helping out at the Port Authority's first ever open day.

After a bit of breakfast in Casemates Square, I went along to see what was happening.

I had a personal guided tour of a bunker barge, a large vessel filled completely with fuel, a sort of floating petrol station. That was fascinating. The bridge was like something off the Enterprise and there was no steering wheel to be found anywhere. Just a pencil sharpener to remind the crew of days of sail! 

There were many and various static displays by the police, salvage divers and so on and then, after quite a long wait, a trip out into the Bay Of Algeciras to view the dolphins. These two youngsters were so excited, I really thought they might fall overboard.

After the day wound up, we went to have lunch in a very smart place on the waterfront, where all the big yachts and multimillion pound houses are to be found.

The day was a great success for the Port Authority and great fun for everybody who went along - some 2500 apparently.

I wonder if we'll manage to see the eclipse tonight.

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