Happy Cake Day

What a day.

Iv had cock ups, short notice changes, work calls in the shower, absconders, shoplifters, strops, last minute changes of plans, broken Toy Storey Glasses, birthday parties and a dinner date.

And Im still alive!

And this is actually a backblip. Naughty Me. 

Anyway, the Tea Set was sourced (by me of course!) and it was a huge success, as was the £5 wooden birthday cake from Asda (Thank you KirstieG!) Mr W's Grandaughter turned 3 today. We managed to get to her 'Open House' party for an hour once I had finished work and before we went to other friends for dinner.

So I literally havnt stopped from 9am to 1am. 

Im too old for all this!

And Iv added extras as I couldn't decide which one I liked best, but love Mr W's smile in this one. Something he hasn't been doing too much of with his 'Man Flu'.


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