Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Good morning, Sunshine!

I popped out on the deck first thing and spotted this little guy in the cherry tree.  Quick as you can say "warbler" I dashed back in, grabbed the D750, and snuck back out.  My subject stayed around for about 10 very quick shots before disappearing up into the trees, no doubt on his/her way south.  This is a Common Yellowthroat, a member of the warbler family and a summer resident in this part of the US.  Not a bird I typically see in the yard except during migration as they nest near streams and lakes.  Like all warblers, they are insectivores, colorful little pest control managers!

I was spoiled for choices today and have posted two runners-up plus one more shot of this little guy Starting HERE on Flickr - dragonfly, jumping spider, warbler, in that order.  I really like both the dragon and the little jumper and on any other day one of them would have been my blip.  But I can't resist a warbler...

Hubs and I had a nice chat with my folks this morning - they are on the move again, making their way slowly from the Pacific NW towards Arizona where they'll spend the winter.  Rather like migratory songbirds, actually.  

Dug up some weeds on part of our "wild" land and have planted a couple of small pipevine saplings plus some phlox and Echinacea.  Not sure how the latter will do in this spot because it doesn't have full sun, but figured I'd give it a go.  I'm hoping the pipevines set over the winter as they are lovely native shrubs that are also the host plant for Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies.  

One of my waxwing pics on Flickr made it to the Explore page - never quite sure how that happens, but nice when it does.  No sign of the waxwings today, but I'm sure I'll see more of them as fall progresses.  There are still loads of berries yet to ripen on the pokeweed, plus all the redcedar berries.  

Sunday...quiet night at home for hubs and I then a short week as we're taking Friday off to go to the last race of the season...  Details to follow.


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