Smile...'s Sunday.

Original plans were abandoned after we sat in a traffic jam for ages on the A14 only to arrive at our destination to see that everyone else had the same plans in the nice weather. I couldn't get anywhere near the park and the crowds meant that I doubt Stella or myself would have enjoyed it much anyway. Made the mistake of not finding anywhere to park and stretch our legs as 10 minutes later my familiar pins & needles came to say hello.

Easiest place to get to was my parents so we went there and I let my dad take us to our favourite garden centre. My brother and his wife came too which meant precious extra time with with a precious little boy. He was in very good spirits and very pleased I wasn't sneezing today so could have some playtime :) 

Got home to find that Amazon deliver on Sundays. Yay.

But now it's almost Monday again. Boo.

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