Tomorrow Never Comes . . .

Yesterday I said I would catch the interesting shadows across the furrows in the ‘tomorrow’.  Well interesting was not quite the word I used this morning, and the shots I got yesterday were better than the same area today.  One I took to the south looking through the trees across High Street to the fields on the other side wasn’t to bad, but I’ve relegated it to the ‘extras’.
This afternoon I got out with the Sigma 10-20 using my new graduated filters for the first time.  The results were quite pleasing, but the few sunburst shots made the grade for me, so one of them is today’s blip.  This was with the 1.2  ND hard graduated filter, and only minor adjustments made in PS.

(Tech note to the anti filter techies – there is no way you could have got that effect with PS alone .  .  .  )

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