Introducing Mario...

our favourite stag at the wild animal park.  He's been a naughty boy (I'm not sure what he's done) and has been shunned by the rest of the herd.  A woman at the park said that he'll be probably be accepted back into the herd at some time, but for now he's always on his own, far away from the others.  If he gets too close to any of them they chase him away.  Whenever we visit the park, we give him some of the special animal feed that is on sale there - and so it seems does everyone else!  He gets so many 'sympathy snacks' that he is definitely the best fed stag there.  He used to be a bit scraggy, but is looking much stronger and healthier now.

My extra photo is of an unknown fish that surfaced in the pond in the park as I was searching for frogs this afternoon!  :-)

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