Ernvall Goes

By sernvall14

A moment...

I had a moment today unlike any other. I began thinking about what it would be like to be back in Zambia tomorrow or next year. I mean, I am going for sure in September, but I have no idea what is ahead of me. The last three months have been crazy as I have been seeking direction and trying to discern what God has in store and now all of a sudden things seem to be so easy. Problems seem to be solving themselves out and plans begin to fall into place. I am having a hard time trying not I be critical and hoping and trusting that maybe God has just answered the prayers of His people... But is this how it works? Is this what you have to do? Am I focused on the right things?

Some days... Many days I feel like I have no clue what the future holds and what God wants but I am always comforted and reminded of what Psalms 23 says. The Word says that "He LETS me lie down in green pastures". God knows when we need a break from the chaos of life and He allows us time to think about other things before jumping back in! I'm grateful to serve a God who is so faithful and loving and powerful and unchanging that even on the toughest days, even when I feel more confused than ever, even in the times where I would rather take the easier path... He allows me to rest as He carries the world! He continues to lead me beside peaceful streams and giving me glimpses of what's to come. The ONE who created all things, who holds all power and authority, and who can flip the world upside down is my personal shepherd! He tends to me! He cares for me! He loves me! He wants to honor me! He sacrificed himself for me! He chose and continues to choose me everyday along this journey! Thank you God!

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