Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Happy Hour

Went to Las Iguanas (famous recently for stealing the tips of its staff - until a turnaround in policy this week) and ate too much and had double cocktails. The Dizzle had a huge portion of chicken and bought most of it home.

I like eating out but here as in America, portion sizes are (I'm convinced) a contributor to the obesity epidemic.

As for the rest:

Going away on holiday and all the packing and checking makes for a slightly weird feeling. The whole idea of a holiday is a bit weird. Coming back is even weirder. All the familiar stuff seem strange for a while.

Anyway today we cleaned, packed, washed, shopped and mentally prepared. Tomorrow, Istanbul, leaving the two young men in charge. 

And maybe, maybe - a picture tomorrow of the Supermoon eclipse ... ?

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