Then You Saw Them, now You Don't!

It seemed as though the whole of Edinburgh wanted to bear witness to the demolition of the Cockenzie Towers this morning.The huge number of people making their way to the beach and promenade in Portobello brought gridlock to its roads.

I waited on the sand near the tide line to prevent any loose child getting between me and the view but almost missed the moment when, bang on 12 noon, a cry went up and the towers slowly folded in towards each other, followed in a split second by a huge spiralling plume of dark dust which hung over the site for about a minute before settling to reveal the untouched derelict hall of the station, all that was left.

And so in a heart beat it was over and a well loved landmark was reduced to a mound of bricks.

My blip is out of focus, so quickly did I have to get my act together, but it does show the instant the towers started collapsing.

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