Life on the edge...

By bru22

One more day...

Tonight was the second to last show...

I had to do some serious choking back of tears so better not wear mascara tomorrow!!!

I snapped this shot en route to the staff room... (which in itself to me sounds so strange!) 5 years ago, I left this building in all it's glory and now I'm back walking the same corridor from art past the common room past the library past the PE dept past crafty and left down to the reception and the staff room... Serious case of de ja vous... You know what... I miss this place... I miss the music stairs crew, I miss the scandal after the last few days of school. I miss young musician, I miss dodging off on free periods down the street, I miss prefecting, I miss going into music before the school bell to chat to Claire and put my violin in the cupboard...

So strange walking these corridors.

Tomorrow will be the last day I will probably ever step foot in this building again...

What a week.


"How do you do my names Gavroche
these are my people heres my patch
nothing to look at nothing posh
nothing that you`d call up to scratch
this is my school my high society
here in the slums of san michele
we live on crumbs of humble piety
tough on the teeth but what the hell
think you`re poor, think you`re free
follow me follow me"

Les Miserables

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