Mr Smith

By MrSmith


I vividly remember getting homework for the first time. It was my first day at Secondary school and a sign that I'd grown up. I even remember what it was, it was English homework given to us by Tony "The Beast" Hardwicke and we had to write an essay about ourselves and our likes and dislikes. One of the reasons I remember it so well is that my Dad wanted to look at it after I'd finished and made me change my favourite drink from Coca-Cola to tea because he didn't want the teachers to think we were common! Which we were of course, and no amount of parental homework censorship could hide that.

Anyway, my three have been getting homework every night since the age of six and whilst it keeps them on track with their learning, often they are too tired after a day at school and really can't be bothered which leads to a fair few stand-offs.

Today Joe and Eve have been ill and so have spent the day snuggled up on the sofa either asleep or watching TV. But not to worry because their big sister came home with their homework which they need to get done! Oh Joy.

Are we pushing kids too hard at such a young age? don't know only time will tell. They love school and it's a great supportive environment for them and obviously me and Mrs Smith do our part but I can't help thinking back to my primary school years when all I wanted to do when I came home was grab a jam buttie and get out to play footie.

Maybe that's why I'm thick?

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