
Woke up to a man on the radio saying what a glorious sunrise it was, wherever he was, and in fact what a glorious sunrise it was everywhere! So I looked out the attic window and sure enough mist wending it's way up the valley! I lept out of bed, threw food to all the animals, grabbed my camera and set off up the road! The valley and of course the viaduct was lovely in the mist, and after lots of photographs, certain I had my blip, I headed on for the allotment girls.
I spotted cobwebs shimmering in the sunlight and thought "what the hell" so took a few, then deciding I had a spiders web blip already went back to the chickens! I picked them blackberries, then started to move the fence back as the grass was growing up through it and this drains the battery. Moving it put the old compost heap of their shavings within the plot and were the girls ever happy with this! Much scratching amongst the rich pickings of worms and bugs! I then started to attack the brambles scrambling all over the plot - I'm sure the chickens feet are hardy enough to withstand the thorns, but you never know! I rather enjoy clearing brambles, and the same goes for couch grass. Something innately satisfying about it, maybe because the results are so clear. I also had a cuddle with the allotment cat - keep forgetting to put treats in my bag for her - she scoffed the last lot ages ago but seems happy enough with  a stroke and cuddle! 
I decided to pick some blackberries for myself as yesterday I had spotted a nifty gadget on GeordieJ's Journal and had bought myself one whilst doing my food shopping! Oops! I forgot to add that to my list of buys yesterday! It is a Blend-Active - blends smoothies and juices in its own bottle - just unscrew, pop the lid on and ready to go! I then noticed my Autumn Raspberries were ready for picking - lush and big and red!  More picking!
By the time I got home I was well tired and my shoulder was well buzzing! I had an espresso, sat in the conservatory and slept away the afternoon! No smoothie made for me today! 
Gorgeous moon this evening with the bell ringers practising away as I put mine and then friends chickens to bed. I will be opening hers again in the morning, so maybe I'll get more misty viaduct photos and maybe one will get blipped!!!! If not todays are always here!

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