Park Life

Asha was happier to go off to school today, mainly because she knew we were meeting up with Rudy afterwards - there's a park half way home (blipped is where Thea and I sat for THREE HOURS whilst they played). Spent part of the morning in the post office, another part food shopping with Claire... 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Bumping into one of our Sa Penya friends and his daughter near Asha's school....they were visiting the medical centre, his daughter had broken her front tooth off!!!
2) A delicious tea of kebabs - skewered chicken, courgette, onion, garlic, cherry toms, red pepper, garlic, mushrooms, chorizo & pineapple...cooked in honey & paprika. Delish.
3) Watching Asha and Rudy play happily for 3 hours...and Asha coping tiredness-wise - today was our first walking day.

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