Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Not Greyfriar Bobby

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I had my first of 10 sessions of 'magnetic therapy today down in a centre on Passeig de Gracia with Gran Via.  It was very different to the quiet, relaxed wee centre, with the 1-1 attention I go to in our barrio!   The waiting room was very busy - must have been 25 people all waiting.  A white jacketed lady comes out with a clip board and shouts out the names and when you identify yourself she shouts out what you have to do and where, e.g. 
'To the hot water'
'Cabin 7 and wait there'
'Start with 10 mins of your exercises' 
I waited for the problems she was going to have with my surname!  
Inside the big, open plan gym, with great views over Passeig de Gracia, it was a hive of activity.  The head physio, as well as hopping back and forward and dealing with four clients at the same time, makes sure the other physios and people all know what to do and where.  What with all this excitement going on, my 20 minute slot of magnetic therapy was over and someone else was already waiting to hop (well perhaps not hop!) onto that bed!    I have to say though that the head physio was very focused when she was with each person and you could really see her working hard.  However, she did leave the old dear on the bed next to mind with her top having off and all twisted and she got her arm stuck - a bit like when you try something too small on in a shop!  I was able to help her though without getting off my bed as they were so close!  I left with some exercises to do at home - shifting my weight from one leg to another; making half circles with my foot in water; standing up on tip toe; and using my toes to gather up and ungather (not really a word!) a towel.

Also had a physio session in our barrio centre later in the afternoon, where I did some balancing exercises on a little trampoline.  When I saw him pulling it out I thought, 'Crikey, I'm not sure I can jump on that just yet!'

The blip's of a posh shop window just up the road from the centre.

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