
By LeeAnne


Well this pretty much sums up the day. Edinburgh Castle is in there somewhere! I had to go out and buy wellies at lunchtime. It's June and I've just bought wellies. I've a feeling the gig on Saturday is going to be very wet so I might as well go prepared. On my search I came to the conclusion that I can't actually believe that people would pay 70 quid for a pair of wellies. Why? I dived into Primarny and got a pair for 12 quid. Job done!

I had a fight with Jessops today. I wanted to print some photos for my wall and their online system wasn't working. The Customer cough Service department suggested I go to the shop and get them done. I asked whether the same discount I was offered online would be available in the shop. No. There's a surprise, so I told them they needed to work on their customer service skills. Against my grain, I duly traipsed round Shandwick Place and back again to get to the other side of the road pesky tram works only to find the machines in the shop weren't working either! I ended up in Boots foolish and they've cropped them in all the wrong places. *sigh* Why can't you just get a human to do stuff any more? I don't want a machine!! Never mind.

I came home to pack. Yes... I was surprised by this too. I'm going down south tomorrow and I've not packed yet. Check me out!!! And I have a little dinky bag, have packed just enough for a weekend with no extras/just in case/might need outfits! For anyone who hasn't encountered my journal pre jolly, I have a tendency to pack a month in advance and I don't travel light!! Go me!!

Oh... and for anyone who is interested... Thomas Guthrie blurb! See... don't say I never give you any useful information!!

Thank you all so much for my comments and stars on yesterday's nonsense SP... all the way to spotlight my cucumber went! Hurrah for spotlight!

EDIT: And I forgot to say... I got an email from emily today to say that someone had replied to one of her notes that I'd stuck to a bench under the Dean Bridge... it was a boy and he wrote her a fabby email! I love that someone took the time to reply to her... it's tickled me no end... and it was a BOY!!!!

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