
By WeeSis

Pick Me!

The animal shelter I volunteer at is not one of those with row on row of very sad dogs in cages. These dogs are well cared for, and in kennel runs that are totally glass on the side where visitors can look in. The glass makes for really bad photos of the dogs in their kennels. On the back side of the kennels, where staff and volunteers go to interact with the dogs, are solid doors with bars above. The dogs love to jump up to see who is coming by.

This dog is Herbie. He is under 2 years old and a big goofy, lanky, energetic, friendly black lab mix. He is learning some manners - straight after I took this photo he sat and looked at me pleadingly, hoping I might take him out for another walk, or run (he'd most likely already been out more than once this morning). It just amazes me that so many dogs, some of whom come from bad situations, are just so friendly and forgiving.

I put a couple of other shelter dog photos in the extras, including the one of Herbie sitting, looking hopeful.

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