A day in the life of Wom

Wom loves nursery, having gone through an unsettled time where he cried at drop off, we are currently at the stage where he will walk in in his own for a hug with his key worker.

Today and yesterday he took his new found confidence to the next step.

The room he is in is split into two sections, babies and little tods. Wom is classed as a baby currently, due to move to little tods soon. Well, Wom decided he was ready so walked through the sliding door to little tods at 10 this morning, stayed and played there till 3:30. Having his lunch there and amazingly, going to sleep on the camp bed things, rather than in a cot.

He was so proud of himself, as we are of him.

He was grumpy as anything tonight though. Fortunately both children fell asleep within minutes of eachother so peace was quickly found.

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