
.....who I somewhat felt a little bit sorry for.

OTP - if you're viewing this, his badges are for you.

Please do him justice by going large.

I finished work a bit early today so I could go and sign our house purchase documents at the solicitors.

We found some very interesting information about the house, mainly that the deeds date back to the 1850's. Older than we thought. We also get to keep all the original documents which look fascinating and are all hand written/drawn. Brilliant!

Before I went into the solicitors Eddie was standing outside the building so I asked if he minded having his photograph taken, he didn't as he'd been waiting for his bus for so long. I asked him if he was going far and he said no, just two stops. When Claire and I came out he was still there, I wanted to offer him a lift but in this day and age it just isn't something you feel you can offer to strangers. I bet in the 1850's it was a different story.

As I walked to my car I saw two buses with the same number going towards Eddie answering the question why he'd been stood there for so long.

Anyway, almost everything is in place for the exchange and we've been told we can expect the keys early next week, possibly Monday - how exciting!

Mr Bo Hingles

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