All you need is love

By pascolicious

In The Bathroom Is Where I Want You

... but not in this bathroom. I made a stop in Indianapolis to get gas and use the bathroom. Not only was the gas station creepy and dirty, but the bathroom was disgusting.

And on top of it, in my attempt to pee without touching anything, as soon as I was done, a man WALKED IN. No knock. Nothing. Just started to stroll right in and then said "Oops, somebody in there?"

No, I'm just hanging out in here waiting for people to come in and pee. What the hell kind of question is that?

I officially HATE Indianapolis and it's gas stations. Both times I stopped there, it was creepy and weird. Next time, I'm staying far away from there.

Bridge to Chicago

** Backblipped for the weekend =) I promise they're good ones (Especially yesterday!)

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