
By Yeda

A Rose for Rosemary

This blip is dedicated to my Gramma, Rosemary. She will be 87 in two days. Naturally, she's an awesome Gramma always full of love for her kids, grandkids, and great grand kids. Up until this year, I believe, she has been a dedicated volunteer to the hospital. She still drives and is sharp as one of the thorns on this rose. She is quite possibly a Suduko addict and does the newspaper's crossword everyday. The one thing I admire most about her is that I have never, not once ever heard her complain or say one negative thing about anyone. Quite a feat, if you ask me, as it is sooo easy to fall into judgment and easier to complain about something.

Another thing about Gramma is that she makes the best pies in the world. I do not exaggerate. Cherry, peach, blueberry, mincemeat, just to name a few. I remember one Christmas we played a white elephant game with the families of her three grown children. She brought pies as her gift. Talk about a family feud! She's given out her recipes gladly, but no one has been quite as successful with their pies as she has.

Happy 87th Birthday on the 12th, Gramma. Love You!

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