Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


We rode 2 hours today to go to the Hotel Wolf in Saratoga, Wyoming to have lunch.  And it was very good..I didn't have to cook today.

But the trip there was along Hwy 70 in Wyoming which ran through the Medicine Bow National Forest.  The aspens were at their peak color.
So when we were coming back we saw a sign that said Steamboat Springs, Colorado 69 miles. So we took the dirt road! We knew we could get back to the house from Steamboat Springs.   It was just a gorgeous ride through some high mountains, where more aspens were in peak color.  This photo was from the beginning of the road.     

We traveled about 75 miles on gravel forest road to get back to our location.  It was a windy, bumpy road that ended about 34 miles from Steamboat Springs..we had to make a left to get back to our home away from home, which was about 40 miles away.

A view of Hahns Peak, Colorado in the extras.

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