Farewell to the Grand Hotel

Our visit back in time came to an end this morning, as we had one last huge breakfast, then headed to the ferry that would take us back to civilization as we know it.

It was such a beautiful setting with perfect weather for adventures...I was very glad I had decided to accompany Al on this business trip.

I am so woefully behind with comments, and I usually try to thank each person individually who sends a heart, but  I have to thank every one of my blipfriends who have commented and sent stars and hearts while we have been traveling.  I so appreciate each one, and I hope to have time to catch up with the journals of my friends for a few days after I rest up!!

The extra is a photo of our room at the Grand Hotel.  It really had the WOW factor when you walk in....every single thing was coordinated.

And now...back to reality.  Laundry and some sleep!!

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