Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

Triberg Waterfall

This was also on my to-do list for this vacation.
I love nature and can't get enough of these lovely waterfalls.

The boy and I kept comparing them with waterfalls we have seen last year on our trip to Canada. Which of course, is not fair at all.
We enjoyed the walk, eventhough it was quite crowded. The city of Triberg is very touristic. So we decided to join in on this. We walked around and over the waterfall before returning back to the city centre. We wanderd in a few shops and marveled at all the woodcarvings and clocks. It was a lovely sight.
The houses in Triberg are lovely. And in the shop of a thousand clocks I bought a wonderful hat, which you can fold and unfold without any problem at all.

The boy and I went to visit the largest (koekoeks)clock before we returned back 'home'.

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