People or Profits
Behind this grungy door there were many grungy jobs. Most you just needed to be a hard worker. With that hard work you were able to have the American dream. A home, family, vacation and a promise of a basic retirement.
15 years ago most of these jobs went to Mexico
So being monomonday with the theme of grunge I say this....
To the grungy politicians that give corporate tax breaks to keep a business from leaving a state while the infrastructure breaks down and school teachers have 40 kids in their class so no one learns properly.
To the grungy shareholders who would rather throw their neighbor on the street than to help them out.
To the grungy environmental movement that gets laws passed at the STATE level not the NATIONAL level. When one state cracks down it gives businesses an incentive to move to a lower cost state.
We all are different in many ways but we all bleed red. What ever happened to compromising for the good of the country not the individual?
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