The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

The judge's decision is final ..

So today was show day. So I pottered down to the show ground for benching and came back to have breakfast with my sister.

We went back down after the judging was finished. I predicted correctly - there were four entries for the advent calendar class - all  but mine were rather dreary fabric hanging things with 24 numbered pockets to put treats or sweets in. They got first, second and third and my nativity advent calendar was unplaced. Ah well - so much for creativity.

I won a third prize for my snakey draught excluder and that was it. Maybe it's time to throw in the scalpel ...

The day brightened up after the drizzly start and we wandered about, dog bothering and buying metal chickens and eating fish and chips and watching a rather odd horse acrobatics display ..

A rather fine day in spite of my complete failure ..

Here's a rather beautiful alpaca ..

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