Story Telling #1

Interesting problem.  I am having a hard time to curate my daily pictures on Blip.  I feel so obliged to take my camera everywhere I go with the pressure to have 1 good picture in the day.  That usually means from-to work or anything relating to running an errand as the rest of the day is busy.  I do take pictures of the family, but is not really a daily central fix for me and not something I push to share on Blip.  So where does that leave me?  I do get quite a few good pictures from the car window (and against I am sure a bunch of good sense people who would say it is dangerous...).  Let's just say that the camera is more or less a point and shoot type of camera with a bit of luck involved.  I put a little thought into what is coming up and usually set the camera manually for a distance, aperture and iso - leaving the shutter speed in auto mode if not at night.  The art of pointing the camera in the right direction is something similar to shooting a pistol or rifle from the hip - which I have been good at since a young age.  A bit of intuition and a bit of muscle memory and a lot of luck and practice.  I have not problem for taking creative liberties to correct the vertical rotation in Lightroom afterwards which is usually the biggest problem of hand holding a heavy camera at arms length and trying to be inconspicuous..

So, the big lead up to what do you do when you have a good day with lots of pictures???  How do you select one picture to convey the mood or the significance to immortalize the day?  ha!  Blip has given us the extras now, but I find that is really not the answer.  Flickr or most any other photo platform has that option.  Blip is a different animal in my opinion just for that reason.  I've found over time that it is very hard to be critical to choose one from the many on technical or artistic merit on the same day as usually there is a lot of emotion tied to the event.  Usually takes more than a month to get beyond the emotional tie and to just look on the photographic impact of an image.  That's why I selectively post usually only older pictures now on Flickr and still trying to get better at it. 

So here is today.  What's the story you would create to fill in the blanks????  Here is my version-

The private beach is now closed for the season and open to the public... it is a beautiful mid September day and several people have come out to enjoy it.  A group of kids are playing catch with this dog which would have ordinarily have been banned from the beach.  Somehow the ball landed not far from this young lady and her boyfriend.  The dog in fetching the ball kicked up a bunch of sand which caught her by surprise.  She was laying on her stomach and had her bikini unlatched to not ruin her back with tan lines.  She jumps up leaving all to bare.  She then hastily picks up the missing piece and runs to the water to rinse off.  Some of the boys are more aware than the others.  The most alert takes the ball back from the dog and throws it in the direction of the girl.... smart boy!  and to waken up the younger lads to what a funny moment they are missing.

I have to admit being part of the younger lads... the moment wasn't completely lost on me though.  :)

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