It's Grim Up North

By lynnfot

Blurry berries

First meeting of the U3A Active Photography group which i have decided to run. 18 members ranging from those with fully auto cameras to two or three with dslrs that shoot RAW. 
My intention was to take them out and make them take photos in all weathers They have elected to hide in the church hall for the next six months and 'get to know each other'. But that's democracy for you. 

I parrticularly like the gentleman that had taken up photography in 1953, had spent his life photographing weddings, but now wanted to get into the aesthetics.

Now, if anyone can think of any good photographic exercises that I can impose upon 18 over 60s, in two hours, in a dimly lit church hall, all suggestions will be welcome.

Blurry pram in extras.

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