Tomato ( Orkado)

In flower at last, and can you see the wee tomatoe
on the left, I am chuffed they seem to take ages then
whoosh they are here. My pal grew this variety last
year and they are the bestest tasting ones we have
ever had, do you remember the old fashioned real
tomatoe taste, well thats what these are, and lots
of them too.
I feel I have to mention yesterdays blip, I am
totaly overwhelmed with your kindness you gave
me 100 stars, 12 hearts/favs and I got the spot
lite, I wouldn't normaly mention this, but I am
just gob smacked, I welled up for sure.
So a massive thank you to you all.
Today we have been weeding between the hedge
row, some of the weeds were as tall as me, only
a million miles to go :-))) Rain has stopped play
now, thank gawd for that :-DD
Large is pretty
Hope your all having a lovely day..

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