
By Hayls

My son is now a post-grad

Youngest graduated today. Yes, you heard me right, he graduated. See how he wears his mortar board with pride and dignity. Even though the whole concept of nursery children graduating is slightly ridiculous, it was a very sweet little assembly and particularly poignant for the parents of a couple of the children who are moving on to different schools.

I'm incredibly pleased I didn't have cause to go to the P7 leaving assembly. Apparently that's a real tearjerker. The school has all the P7 children's names put up on a wall and as each child leaves the stage their name gets taken down from the wall. Talk about tugging on the heartstrings. I'm dreading when my wee boys have to go through all of that. Of course they won't be wee boys by then. They'll be all grown up and won't be blubbing away embarrassing themselves in fronts of friends and family...unlike their mother who I guarantee will be spraying tears and snot over all assembled!

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