
Up and out after coffee and pancakes for an explore around the other side of the harbour and a little walk along the clifftops for some views down the coast. And that pretty much took care of the morning.

Headed out with the family after lunch to Low Newton By The Sea and a walk through the nature reserve (including a spell in the hide) before heading down the steps to Embleton Bay and the walk back along the beach. A stop at The Ship Inn was required and as we sat outside I alternated sipping my pint of Squid Ink stout with looking out to sea with the binoculars after someone at the adjacent table claimed to have seen some dolphins breaking the surface of the water out beyond the rocks. Dolphins? I dunno, there was definitely summat out there tho', and I did spot a few seals at least.

After all this outdoorsness it was time to head back and meet up with my folks in Bamburgh for tea out before crashing and relaxing at the holiday home. Developing of film and scanning of negatives ensued.

Today's film - photos here


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