A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Not dead

I took Albi on a lengthy walk and play in the park this morning and most of the day since she has adopted her dead pose. When she wasn't adopting her daft pose, as modelled here.

For some reason I have spent the rest of the day non-stop tidying and sorting, largely to the backdrop of The Amazing Race which is, not only amazing but has delighted Anna Rosa further by sharing her initials. She is easily delighted.

Jackson made some developments with a couple of short but nevertheless productive homework sessions and a kickabout in the garden. His energy levels remain very low though so we will see what the week brings. We have agreed with him a plan to try and make the first two periods of school each day this week in the hope of beginning to build him back up steadily. Full days seem to wipe him out for too many days afterwards to build any momentum so hopefully this approach will be more successful.

Lesley x

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