
By JanBee

Contour line

A slender serpent,
Rust against the green uncoiled -
Sinuous contour. 

I was on the way back from meeting friends in a pub for lunch, I cut across country on the road that goes through Glynde (and  past Glyndebourne).  The sky was so perfect with it's fluffy white clouds I just had to stop a few times to take some pictures.  I'd spotted this fence on the way over.

I love these iron fences... although I'm not sure how effective they are as a fence?  Anything small (rabbits, badgers, foxes) will just go straight through.  I suppose it might deter horses, cows and sheep, but deer would just jump straight over.   Anyway, maybe it's more of a marker than a fence. 

I love the way it curves across the field, echoing the contours of the landscape, like a 3d contour line on a map.  I also like the "cages" around the trees and the fact that they match the fence.  I spent quite a while looking at it and I only had a lime and soda...

A different view
Mount Caburn

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