Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Congratulations S & J

Today was my friend's handfasting to his lovely partner J.  I was honoured that S asked me to be his Best Woman.  I spent a busy week doing all the last minute coordinating of those directly involved in the ceremony, site visits to confirm positionings for the ceremony and a lot of bannock baking.  The morning was spent enjoying coffee in the sunshine and running some last minute errands in town.  We got safely to the ceremony site on time (despite issues with the taxi) and there was only a minor hiccup (which involved me running half the length of the loch to stop the drummers from starting!).  The ceremony was beautiful.

When S and I did our original site visit, we came up with the idea for a group wedding shot.  J loved the idea and thankfully a lot of the wedding guests were perfectly happy being asked to take their shoes and socks off and roll up their trousers once they'd assembled by the ponds.

Evening of drinking, laughter and celebrating their union!  I've even learnt a couple of things ready for round 2 in London next year.

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