At Last

By 8

High Five Phoeb

Through Blip foto we all make connections. People whom I have come to 'know' for some reason associate me with a certain colour :-)
One of my 'connections' I am lucky enough to know in 'real life' - (I don't like that term because it implies that Blip Life isn't just as real ), is Phoeb.
 She has the wickedest sense of humour and is a hugely talented artist.
Lately - apart from a fixation with sheep - she had an 'affair' with stones she found on our local beach.
Of course when I found this one I immediately thought of her.
She has produced a stunning series of works inspired by beach stones in a variety of media... paintings, prints, drawings, videos and digital manipulations
You can see them on her website -
 I think she's called it the Stones Saga.
I am lucky enough to own one of the pieces. It's called 'Old is Good'. You can see it here.
I love it and find it inspirational. When my own work gets all literal and anal - I look at it and it reminds me of other ways of seeing. She is fearless.
I'm sure anyone who knows her work will agree.
I hope the links work. Please check them out.

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