Year Three

By RobotChicken

Fantastic day

Started the morning with our Saturday wander round the local flea market. Don't usually buy much. As we left he house the wife asks which vehicle were taking, to which I replied "big truck". She knows I enjoy driving it.

Bought nothing at the flea market, as usual, but then decided to head to the building supplies place that deals with over purchases by local builders. They sell what builders haven't used and need to dispose of.

Sitting there were four pallets of wainscoting. $25 each.....

Managed to get one in the truck, went back for the second pallet, and ended up buying the other two pallets...because at the end of the day....they are $25 a pallet...

To give some idea what a sensational purchase this is, each pallet contains 120-170 packs, and each pack should cost between $10-20 each. Each. Conservatively, we purchased $6000 of wainscot for $100.

20 years from now, we will still have this stuff.

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