Cot quilt cover

Today's the day ........................... to sew

We have a little guest on a sleepover with us tonight as you can see below.

This afternoon I thought I would have a go at making a new cover for the cot quilt that we have.  The quilt itself is pretty ancient because it was the one we had for our boys when they were babies - but I reckoned that it would be good as new with a new cover.  But to make it, I needed to get out the sewing machine.

Now, the sewing machine belonged to my mother - and she was an expert seamstress.  She was so good in fact that there was never any question about who did the sewing in our family.  If I wanted a new dress, I would look after the house for a day - and she would make it.  This was all very well - but as a result, sewing was something that I never learnt to do.

I can tell you that I could feel my mother looking down on me today as I fumbled about just trying to work out how to thread it.  There's no manual you see - and I had to download something off the internet that isn't quite right.  But I persevered - and eventually I did manage to make the quilt cover.

I have a feeling, it wouldn't be up to my mother's high standards - but I don't expect Dominic is going to notice .........................! 


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