Friday Foto

By drmackem

The Wave

A minor detour to Yorkshire Sculpture Park made the return journey from dropping junior off at Sheffield Uni memorable.
Only an hour, which isn't enough for this splendid space and collection.
The poppy installation at the Tower of London by Cummins and Parker I was sorry to have missed, such was it's impact and draw.
For a few months it is being installed in different locations, somewhat dispersed, but here at YSP as The Wave quite beautiful in the dying light of the day.
The falling sun made capturing it's entirety problematic photographically but was no less moving.

On a day that has been a good one, but in which I've given thought to letting go, loss and what emerges from that, it seemed a fitting detour.

On the same theme, whilst cooking tonight I cranked up the volume and played Jesse Norman singing Strauss Four Last Songs - I would definitely takes these to my dessert island - after decades of listening the horn solo in the 2nd song September still stills me to the core.

September Strauss Four Last Songs
The garden is in mourning,
rain runs into the flowers...
And summer humbly shudders
before his final hours.

The tall acacia tree
drops leaves, a golden stream...
And summer wanly smiles
into the dying dream.

He stops among the roses,
stands longing for repose...
Until his tired eyes
ever so slowly close

(Sounds much better in German)

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