Liverpool Waterfront

Saturday 19th Sept 2015 (1120)

I had to be on duty first thing but got away as quick as I could. Late morning we set off for the Albert Dock in Liverpool. The weather was glorious and the reflections were great. We walked round part of the dock and then went for lunch in the museum. We then decided to take the open top bus tour. Just as we started we were treated to a brief glimpse of the Vulcan on its way to Southport airshow - see extra. 

We got off at the Metropolitan Cathedral and had a wander round there, such a beautiful building. Back on the bus for two stops and off again at the Anglican Cathedral. Although we did get inside we couldn't look round fully because a major service was about to start. Back on the bus to complete the tour, returning to the docks ... but then we decided to stay on and go round again. 

Once back at the docks it was ice cream time followed by a wander round the inside of the docks, including looking at the historic tall ship Zebu which unfortunately sank last Friday and is still party submerged.

The journey home included a quick tour round my church. Unfortunately that was followed by someone reversing in to my car! Thankfully the only damage was a cracked number plate. 

It has been a lovely day to share together.  

ANewDay's photo from our trip. 

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