Homeward bound.

This was taken before we left last night, and is cheating a bit, but I have seen lots of others doing the same.I know two wrongs don't make a right but, there you go! The journey  home started off well enough, and it was quiet across the moors, but once we hit the motorway, we encountered three different  diversions.  We had to drive miles out of our way, and it added an extra hour ,to an already long journey. Never mind, we made it home safely, and we unloaded the car, and climbed straight into bed. We got up about 9 o' clock, and I have done all the washing, and it's out on the line. We will be having steak and stout pies for our evening meal,from the Humble Pie shop.  Everything is now back to normal, well if I could ever be classed as "normal" don't answer that  I think we will be having an early night tonight.

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