Childof theUniverse 1

By PetkinBrown

Evening Shadows ❤️

......I've had a busy day, but I can't really say what exactly I have achieved.....!! Food shopping early, then as I have my Appraisal at work tomorrow so I was sorting out my paperwork. Recently I changed my phone, upgraded from a "brick" to a smart phone.....But my new phone is a Windows phone, which I have to admit I thought was an android phone....!! Trying to sort out basic things like finding out how many minutes I had left on my VirginMedia monthly contract proved impossible.....Their apps and many others don't appear to function on a Windows phones......I have spent hours going around in circles.....It has been so frustrating. My eldest has just changed his phone, so I tried my sim in his old iPhone❤️....BINGO.....Xx

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