
By CharlotteJ


Lunch at a lovely nearby local restaurant and the owner asked to try out my 55-300mm lens and I tried out his 18-140mm lens.

After various work conference calls, the afternoon was spent playing Pool Tennis....rules have been agreed and I can confirm I am head of the leader board.  Sunday will see the Championship....exciting stuff here in Cyprus!

I don't like 'relaxing' I find it hard to do...I like to be busy, busy, busy with something always to do, but I have to say, today has been rather lovely and has gone in a flash and I am pleased to say whilst 'relaxing' I have written, well, re written 'in my head' the recommendations to my final assignment.  Reflection is a good thing!

Happy Saturday and thank you to all who have commented this past week....I am trying to not take it personally that there has been a massive drop in comments since I have not been in much of a position to comment on other journals.  Normal service will resume once back in the UK x

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