Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Bringing in the lambs

Pip bringing in the lambs so we can have a look at them. Ones that looked wormy have been given a second dose and the females who will stay on the farm for breeding have been tagged and keeled (coloured mark on the wool). The lambs are looking better but still a bit light. We have some feeding ordered to put a bit more weight on them before we sell them. We also have chosen the wedders (castrated males) that are booked into the slaughterhouse next week again not as much weight on them as I would like but too late now to do anything about that.

Afterwards gave the farmhouse a tidy and cleaned out and reorganised my kitchen cupboards for some reason! Also made some biscuits. The laptop is now running windows 10 and the upgrade seems to have gone smoothly just got to get used to it now.

18c 3mph W sunshine all day

Extra is of the dogs cooling off in the loch.

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