Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Look at this delightful little bundle of furry paws! Awww, the ginger menace when he's being cute :) Andy dropped him off last night for a wee sleepover while stuff is getting done to their flat. I made certain it was just for one night though, I love him but there's a limit. And that limit tends to be 9pm on the second night when the incessant yowling starts. Claire came round when she finished work tonight and we got Chinese food and watched this amazing documentary about Hollywood Manager Shep Gordon - Supermensch - absolutely worth watching if you haven't seen it (it's on Netflix!) so interesting and really funny and touching. She then escorted Brian home just as he was getting particularly noisy! There's only so long that you can distract him with dreamies.

I tried to go for a walk today but it just wasn't happening, too much pain. I made it slowly around the block but even that was really hard going and I'm exhausted, so not too many steps taken today.

Steps - 1938

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