Soil Science!

Well I am loving my Forensic Science MOOC

With the help of my trusty science apprentice Leo I set about some soil stratification analysis - otherwise known as burying a body (coffee pod) and assessing the way that different layers of soil (sugar, cocoa powder, flour, cuppa soup, porridge Oats and nuts!) mix together! Soil scientists use this to help spot disturbed earth and clandestine graves.

My extra is my artistically challenged attempt to sketch the bones of the body we have discovered - as part of our mystery. The drawing is rubbish so I used some pretty paper to distract from the awfulness. Even with my awful drawing you should be able to see that not all the bones are where you would expect if this was a non suspicious ceremonial burial. Hmmmm, what could it mean ....

In other news, I have completed day 4 this week of standing all day at work. My feet ache a bit sometimes but other than that it doesn't seem too bad! Will see how it goes long term and whether I need to introduce some sit time as well. It has made me take more little circuits around the office/library to give my legs a little stretch. That is helping with screen breaks too - my eyes have seemed less strained so that must be good sign.

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