
By Shaaamie

Let's All Be More Penguin

Paralympic judo double medal winner, Ian Rose led a motivational assembly in school this morning (I've managed to organise 3 days a week teaching at my old school up until Christmas). He shared his story about his fight when his was a child with looking different after contracting eye cancer. Building self-esteem and confidence and becoming a successful sportsman helped. During his talk, he stressed the importance  of preparation and a focus on being the best you can be ...

Ian's 'Mantra' to the children was ...

Less polar bear ...
More penguin ...

(Join in, if you like!)

Less polar bear ...
More penguin ...

Less polar bear ...
More penguin ...

Less polar bear ...
More penguin ...

Hope you're having a great week ...
All this 'penguin' stuff has left me feeling 'cream crackered.' 
An early night beckons ...

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