not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

Just out of reach

Well my tale for today starts last night when Keith went to help a friend out to do a job which is about an hour away. By the time he got home I had just got to bed. He said oh f#$! I have left my keys there but luckily I have a spare key to the car

so this morning we all got dressed and got in the car and made the journey to get his keys and decided to go have a walk round Bodiam castle grounds and have a little lunch while we were there well you need a mortgage first you pay £3 parking which we did not mind but now you you had to pay £7 for the grounds and the castle unless you're a member of the National Trust so we gave that one a miss

Then when we were sat eating our dinner at the over priced cafe we heard the gate man say to someone if you are a blue badge holder you don't have to pay for parking Keith went over to ask the man as I have a blue badge holder and the man said yes you have to pay unless you are a NT member then you do not have to pay

So we came home and to our usual hunt a had a cuppa and a couple of our friends where there so we had an hour or so talking and now we are back and all knackered . So tomorrow I will have to get my arse into gear get some washing and tidying up done as we go away on holiday on Wednesday to Spain

And here is what was just out of reach Bodiam castle

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