Incense versus Incensed

I actually saw this being made or rather completed on the canal banking Amazing what you come across whilst round and about towpaths .
A gentleman lives aboard a narrow boat and  makes his living selling such.These are Melon aroma .The strong oils he was using made me cough. Post processing makes them vivid and rather astonishing but I think they are fine minus .If you take time to comment let me know if you would have guessed . Strange that incense is used to bring about a feeling of calm and spirituality whilst incensed means 'to cause to be very angry' ...The quirks of language are almost abstract  .The latter I was pre this encounter. Some boat owner was holding forth in a violent manner as to how every goose should be shot. I informed him not to come too close to me . Thanks heaven the melon soothed me even though I coughed:)
"watch my manners " Thanks to Youoregon1 who I think set the challenge. If I'm wrong, well many thanks .

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