living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Not tongue in cheek

I was trying to get a shot of Ash grabbing his feet since he has been doing that quite a bit for the past few days and it's pretty cute, but every time the camera came out he forgot that playing with his feet was fun and went a bit shy. I couldn't resist the tongue shot in the end.

Well I PASSED my Life in the UK test! Yay! I was very worried as I wasn't sure I'd passed, waiting for the results was scary- and it was very possibly a close call! Anyway, it was unfairly and unnecessarily hard and I am so glad it's over and I can apply for residency! After the test we had a celebratory pub lunch outside in the sun. Excellent afternoon!

Cleo talked on the phone for the first time today! Usually she just smiles while other people talk to her and occasionally says "bye" but she had a proper conversation with her grandpa this evening! She was talking about the foxes that are living at his house. The conversation went a bit like, "Dabidabi (?) foxes the house!" I know her conversational skills could use some work but I was impressed! After that she talked to Rubie on the phone, too, and told her about the foxes!

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